5 Fun and Interesting Facts about London
London is one of the most visited places in the world. This city offers some cool and interesting facts that you should know prior to visiting.

5 Fun and Interesting Facts About London
The driver is on the right side and oh the steering wheel too..
I have a funny story to tell and here goes..
Arriving at London Gatwick Airport we started our journey heading to our hotel in Hyde Park.
Inside the cab, we were greeted by a driver who is sitting on the right side/right steering wheel. I said..Hmm. Interesting!!
When the cab driver started driving and entering the highway, I realized we we’re on the left side of the road and I said to myself ” Whoa Whoa wait a minute now, something is off “ and my eyes went wide open.
LOL!! OMG!! Gosh!! Different emotions is coming out of me like Bloody Hell!! Haha!! I didn’t say it out loud though.
Then all of a sudden, he started speeding up, I started grabbing the side of the door as it just feels weird and a little bit scary for me especially when you are looking on the road ahead. I wanted to close my eyes and dang!! I got nervous!! LOL.
Like most of us, we are used to driving on the right side of the road with the steering wheel on the left.
This one is a culture shock for me indeed!!
Especially it’s like a NY style driving. Drives fast, sudden stops, bumper to bumper kind of thing.
But honestly, riding around the city is not bad because of the traffic.
Is it mostly on a highway I guess or ( if it’s your first time like me ) when the car is going up fast on the left side of the road. It just feels weird.
Here’s a good read why British drives on the left : CLICK HERE.
According to Reader’s Digest : 35 % of the world’s population still drives on the left like Ireland, Japan and some Caribbean Island.
Here’s another good to know info from Reader’s Digest.
This is a video of us leaving the Beatles infamous ” Abbey Road ” depicting the left side driving.
Being an avid fan of Beatles, I’ve always dreamt of walking along Abbey Road one day and it happened on this trip.
When you visit The Abbey Road, you will see people walking back and forth and just doing crazy pose for the camera.
Check out my London post for more funny photos.
Click here for more info: VisitLondon
Interesting Fact: ⇒ Abbey Road is one of the Top 10’s Most Famous Streets in the world.
Source: Reader’s Digest Canada.
And if you include Paris in your London trip even just for a day or two, you will be hitting 2 birds in 1 stone.
Because the # 1 Most Famous Street in the World is Champs-Elysees in Paris. It’s a must-visit!!
♥One of my travel goals is to visit and complete the Top 10 Most Famous Streets in the World♥
In London, it means ” Thank You “
When you hear a taxi cab driver say ” Cheers “ after your ride, it means ” Thank You “
Hah!! So back in our hotel, I was tasked to call the taxi company to set up ahead of time for the pick up. I called the taxi services and I said we would love to have the guy who drove us from the airport.
The guy said he will check then will call me back and said Cheers before he hung up.
Me on the other line, didn’t know what to say, I just answered back Cheers in an exciting voice.
Then I jokingly asked my bff, ” The guy said Cheers to me, does he wanna party or something? “
A little bit after that he called back, he said ok we got the guy and agreed with the pick up time.
And again he said Cheers before he hung up. So me being hyped up, I turned myself into a party mode and said Cheers the most exciting way with shrugging of my shoulders..lol..
Well at least I think that’s what I’m supposed to do at the end of the conversation.
The Cheers Saga continue..
The next day at the hotel lobby, I opened the door for a guy, he smiled and said ” Cheers “
I smiled back and said ” Cheers “
I said to myself ” These people are in a party mode all the time “
Then I hear the cab driver say ” Cheers ” after dropping us off to Abbey Road. Ok.
The last day of our vacation at the Gatwick Airport, I overheard a guy say ” Cheers ” at the self-check out counter after buying a chocolate.
Now it got me thinking. This is not what I think it is.
Going back to Florida, I have one mission..
To sit and do some digging about the word ” Cheers ” that I keep hearing while in London.
So I open the Google and typed in “ What does Cheers means in UK “
And tadaaaaa!! Whoa!! Owkayyyy!!
It means something else then.
Per Eurocentres Cheers means ” Thank You ” or ” Goodbye “ in London.
Bloody heyyyyyll!!
I just realized, they never meant to party or toast a glass with me then..lol..
All along..they were just simply saying ” Thank You or Goodbye “
Well..haha!! I’m speechless!!
Oh London Dear , What an experience!!
Being in a different country, I am curious of my surroundings and tries to listen to people talk as they walk pass me, I just because I am amused with their accent.
I think it’s lovely!! *wink*
I kinda know about this one, but to hear it in person is funny!!
So, we were waiting for our Uber ride in front of the hotel at the London Tower when a group of young men holding beer cans, as they were walking behind us, I overhead one guy saying ” Oh I’m pissed ” while gulping beer and his friends laughed and said ” You’re out of it? It’s early a night ”
And I said to myself, ” Oh there ya go, ya heard it ” I was thrilled. LOL.
It’s a score for me!! So Cheers for that!!
Good to know info: Here’s the LINK of the words they often use when they are ” DRUNK “
Per Eurocentres website ” Pissed ” is the most common word they use when they are ” Drunk ”
LONDON FUN FACT: ⇒ ” PISSED ” in London means ” DRUNK “ they are not mad or angry.
This London’s iconic tower is called Elizabeth Tower
I love to learn interesting facts of the places I visit.
For one, I know Big Ben is the clock but I thought the whole tower is called Big Ben too.
INTERESTING FACT: ⇒ Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of The Great Clock of Westminster.
The tower’s official name was The Clock Tower and was renamed Elizabeth Tower in 2012 to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II per Wikipedia
The tower was designed by Augustus Pugin in a neo-gothic style or Gothic Revival style.
It was completed in 1859. It is part of the Westminster Palace or The Houses Of Parliament.
And last but not the least..this is my personal favorite one..
I just think this is hilarious.
Imagine having a fun chill night staring at the wall frame.
Nonetheless, we actually flew to Paris because of our bff’s birthday promise that he will treat us with Fish and chips @ Gordon Ramsay’s Bar and Grill so we thought..Well Heck Yea!! Why not!!
So he made a reservation, we went and were seated at the table where there is a frame hanging on the wall that says ” PUSSY “
Well, OMG!! Yes you heard it right!!
Certainly, we laughed hard as we stared at the wall frame.
I think it’s cool that Mr. Ramsay put a personal touch on the wall of his restaurant..lol..
So, thanks to the staff for saving that spot for us. We enjoyed chowing down Gordon’s infamous Wellington Beef while staring at the ” Pussy ” wall frame..lol
And thank you to our birthday celebrant Jay B. for the treat more than Fish and Chips.
Pls check out our London Vacation 2023 blog.
Here’s a bigger picture of us celebrating our bff’s birthday with the wall frame!!
Talking about dining @Gordon Ramsay’s Bar & Resto, the ambiance is chill, the food are great and the staff are phenomenal!!
We had a great time. We were entertained. They even let me bartend for a night lol..kidding.
Is it worth a visit? Yes. Especially if you wanna try his infamous dish ” The Beef Wellington “.
Pls. check out our London Vacation 2023 post for more photos.
LONDON INTERESTING FACT: ⇒ The Beef Wellington is Gordon Ramsay’s most signature dish.
And finally, make sure you try what London is best known for.
What traditional food London is famous for?
- Full English Breakfast
- Bangers and Mash
- Scotch Egg
- Pie and Mash
- FISH AND CHIPS is a must!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post.
” To each his own ” and this is just my story..a funny one.
I just thought this is worth sharing.
To give you some giggles and laughter.
Life is too short
Let's travel the world together
Laugh at our own mistakes
Live our best life
We may be at different stages in our lives, one may be struggling, one may be just chilling..but just know that there is always help when in need!! Reach out!!
Don’t be afraid to live your life the way you want it!!
Until next time..

Author: Sheila
I am a Physical Therapist by profession who loves to travel and blog. Life is beautiful!! Let’s travel the world together!!
Pls follow us on Social Media. All of our accounts are fairly new for this website.
The great escape…. enjoy travel
Thanks!! Let’s explore Barcelona 🇪🇸 Let’s go!! 🧳💕
wow new post
Yes!! Thanks Ms. Juniper!! Paris post coming up soon!! 💕🥰
hello, nice pics